cameras for good
Cameras for Good empowers Kansas City, MO residents and neighborhoods in building a safer community, deeper connection between neighbors and stronger relationships with the Kansas City, MO Police Department and Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office. Originally developed by the Prospect Avenue Community Resource Team (CRT), the Cameras for Good program provides the programming and infrastructure for a neighborhood-based surveillance camera program and block watch network of residents that utilize cameras in violent crime hot spots and problem areas.

Connecting For Good is the lead coordinating organization and AdHoc Group Against Crime provides our block watch training.
Together, the block watches and camera network help to prevent crime, identify perpetrators and build a case for prosecution. Depending on the crime, restorative justice or the threat of prosecution may be also be used.
Program Enrollment
All neighborhoods—both existing participants and new—interested in participating in the 2019 program should:
- Submit the 2019 Cameras For Good Checklist Application to Alecia Kates at [email protected] by March 22, 2019. Neighborhoods will be contacted the week of April 1, 2019 with more information about the program timeline.
- If your neighborhood organization qualifies, complete the Neighborhoods Rising Fund Application.
Our Community Partners